Doña Rosa's Story

The woman who never says "I can't"

Rosa Morales, or Doña Rosa, is an incredibly unique woman. Unable to read or write until the age of 60, she never thought she would have the chance to address a group with a microphone - but when she received her Leaders of Change award she did just that.

“I thank Mercado Global, with all my heart for having given us the motivation, the materials, and great instructors who were always supporting us with a lot of patience and effort.”

Doña Rosa, MG Partner Artisan


Things were not always easy for Doña Rosa, a recent graduate from our programming, but she always found a way - something that her 9 children depended on. Now, seven of her children are teachers and they all credit her for their ability to get ahead in life.


“In our community there exists the limiting idea that the man is the one that has to provide for the household, but my mother is the example that a woman can do everything.”

Lidia Morales, Doña Rosa Daugther

We are proud to help to empower women like Doña Rosa, whose work with Mercado Global is just another example of her life-long perseverance.

A Nation-wide success

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Doña Rosa has always put her family first, and their response to her being featured on Mercado’s instagram is a testament to how proud they are of her.

Throughout her life, Doña Rosa has shown the utmost commitment to getting ahead - and her work with Mercado Global has been no different.

After her training with Mercado Global, Doña Rosa implemented the skills she learned to make blouses that she sold to the local - and national - market!

To date, with the help of her more tech savvy daughters, she has sold over 40 blouses online to customers in cities across Guatemala like Chimaltenango, Santa Lucia, and even Guatemala City!


Support Mercado Global's work that helps to empowers incredible women determined to make a difference like Doña Rosa!